
Friday, February 19, 2016


1.     开路车
2.     马头锣
3.     高灯
4.     大彩旗
5.     旗斗
6.     印斗
7.     彩旗
8.     龙香车
9.     灯笼车(1
10.  卡通人物队伍
11.  贵宾队伍
12.  成邦江顺兴公会花车*
13.  成邦江中华公学铜乐队#
14.  斯里阿曼市一马社区花车*#
15.  成邦江慈善社花车*#
16.  4x4车队1
17.  4x4车队2
18.  斯省潮州公会花车#
19.  砂拉卓凤山寺狮队#
20.  斯里阿曼客家公会花车*#
21.  鲁勃安都慈云阁花车#
22.  鲁勃安都齐天大圣乩童
23.  鲁勃安都齐天大圣锣鼓队
24.  鲁勃安都齐天大圣狮队
25.  鲁勃安都西公胡大二伯爷乩童
26.  鲁勃安都西公胡大二伯爷花车
27.  4x4车队3
28.  4x4车队4
29.  砂拉越河婆同乡会斯省分会花车*#
30.  斯里阿曼省榕属俱乐部花车#
31.  新巴务火云寺太子坛乩童
32.  新巴务火云寺太子坛神轿
33.  新巴务火云寺太子坛狮队
34.  新巴务火云寺太子坛花车
35.  4x4车队5
36.  斯木省咖啡酒餐商公会花车*#
37.  斯省小贩联合会花车*#
38.  巴由路广圣宫广泽尊王神庙乩童
39.  4x4车队6
40.  灯笼车(2
41.  4x4车队7
42.  砂拉卓圣灵宫狮队#
43.  八仙堂乩童
44.  成邦江德教会紫川阁花车*#
45.  砂巫凤山宫广泽尊王寺花车
46.  砂巫凤山宫广泽尊王寺乩童
47.  砂巫凤山宫广泽尊王寺狮队
48.  斯省郑氏公会花车*#
49.  木中佛圣宫齐天大圣乩童
50.  英吉利里华人神权委员会(大伯公)花车#
51.  成邦江顺兴公会南狮队
52.  踩高跷队
53.  照亮车
54.  古晋天鹰龙狮学院龙队#
55.  成邦江德教会紫川阁龙狮团龙队#
56.  鼓头标(1大支)
57.  顺兴公会锣鼓标(3支)
58.  爆竹篮
59.  顺兴公会大锣鼓队
60.  砂拉越丽声娱乐社潮乐队#
61.  慈云阁香几
62.  慈悲娘娘圣驾
63.  随神队伍
64.  4x4车队8(载水车)
65.  灯笼车(3


Tuesday, February 16, 2016


成邦江顺兴公会慈云阁丙申年庆春节闹元宵盛会文娱表演已进行两晚,分别是初八晚上的推展礼演出及昨晚的著名歌手魏永秋演唱会。接着下来,当地的学校、社团与歌舞团将轮流在每个晚上呈献精彩演出。演出将在七时三十分开始,除了年十三,即220日(星期六)晚上,节目将在七时开始。当晚有两场演出,第一场,由成邦江国民中学华文协会负责;第二场是当地劲舞团-Heart to Heart负责,以下为年十一到十三的节目详情:

第二场:Heart to Heart团队演出
Heart to Heart是成邦江首个业余劲舞组织,有四名主要舞蹈员,是十多二十岁青少年,曾经获得砂州与东马区劲舞比赛的多项奖项。他们除了在成邦江受邀演出外,也常受邀到砂州各地演出。


  1. YB Datuk Francis Harden anak Hollis, Menteri Muda Pembangunan Luar Bandar dan Menteri Muda Perumahan Sarawak
  1. YB Senator Datuk Dr Sim Kui Hian
  1. Yang berusaha Tuan Richard Tawan, Walikota Majlis Daerah Sri Aman县议会主席
  2. Yang berusaha Tuan Phang Dah Nan, Setiausaha Politik Ketua Menteri Sarawak
  1. Yang berusaha Tuan Ku Fut Po, Setiausaha Politik Ketua Menteri Sarawak
  1. Yang berbahagia Datuk Tan Chong Meng, Pengerusi Kehormat Seumur Hidup Soon Heng Society顺兴公会永久名誉主席拿督陈宗明
  2. Yang berbahagia Temenggong Sii Toh Peng天猛公徐道平
  3. Encik Law Hee Huat, Pengerusi Pengelola merangkap Ketua Pemuda Simanggang Soon Heng Society筹委会主席兼本会青年团团长刘繥发
First of all, I would like to welcome all of you to the Chinese New Year Gathering organised by Soon Heng Society, with the support of Resident Office and District Council.  CNY Gathering in the form of open house is a tradition of Soon Heng, as we believe that this is more community-friendly.
I also sincerely thank and welcome all of you, especially YB Datuk Francis Harden, YB Senator Dr Sim Kui Hian, Yang berusaha Tuan Residen, Tuan Walikota, fellow heads of department, community leaders, NGOs leaders to the launching ceremony of Sri Aman Division Level Cap Goh Mei Festival, jointly organised by The Resident Office, District Council and Simanggang Soon Heng Society, which we had started since 2010.
Begins from tonight until the real Cap Goh Mei, on 22 February, this stage is for you. Various schools, NGOs and local performance groups will show their talents here. Many of them start growing their talents here decades ago, and now they are figure of their field beyond Simanggang. This is the hope and spirit of Cap Goh Mei that Soon Heng Society hold since century ago.
Development is a continuous and systemic process, which requires total involvement of various parties and segments in a community. With this principle, Soon Heng Society had continuously served for community culture and education development since 122 years ago. In the same manner, we are fortunate to have a people representative like YB Datuk Francis Harden, who is very approachable, caring and sincere, and continuously work silently for the betterment and development of Simanggang.
He is a good partner and friend of Soon Heng Society. Last year, he allocated RM80,000 for Soon Heng’s activity fund and RM 150,000 for our Ciyun Temple upgrading works. This beautiful arch in front of me is part of the upgrading project. He never absent from our Cap Goh Mei procession since 2 decades ago, as he never fail to allocate a beautiful amount of fund for Cap Goh Mei. Soon Heng Society appreciates YB Datuk Francis Harden caring of us and his good relationship with us. I urge fellow Soon Heng’s members and local community to remember this and show our thankful by giving YB Datuk Francis bigger mandates in coming election to ensure him become a full minister in the state cabinet, and enable him to have a more comprehensive blueprint for the development of Simanggang.
At the same time, Soon Heng Society appreciates the enthusiasm and caring of Datuk Francis’s team leader, YB Senator Datuk Dr Sim Kui Hian of our area. Dr Sim and his teammates travelled hundred KM just to be with us, as he said to be with the peoples of Simangggang, where his late father Sim Kheng Hong started his career. I still remember last year, he failed to be with us on the 8th evening of Chinese New Year in the same occasion as tonight, but he rushed to visit us at the temple the following day before noon. We submitted to him few request, he managed to settle and follow-up it nicely. This is the team that we can trust on. I sincerely propose all of us to give them chances to well serve the peoples.
Tonight, we will launch a campaign of recruiting 500 donors for the vehicle of Deities to be use during Cap Goh Mei procession. I hope we can gain as many supports from the community.
Lastly, I would like to express heartfelt thanks to various parties who have assisted us to make this festival a success. Thank you. Happy new year.


Majlis Ramah Tamah Tahun Baru Cina dan Majlis Perlancaran Pentas Cap Goh Mei Peringkat Bahagian Sri Aman Tahun 2016
Anjuran Bersama
Pejabat Residen, Majlis Daerah Sri Aman
dan Simanggang Soon Heng Society
Tarikh/日期                       : 15-2-2016 (Isnin)
Tempat /地点                   : Kuil Ciyun, Tebingan Batang Lupar Sri Aman
Masa/时间                        : 1830-
1830      Ketibaan orang ramai
1845      Ketibaan para jemputan
1900      Ketibaan tetamu kehormat:
YB Datuk Francis Harden anak Hollis,  Menteri Muda Pembangunan Luar Bandar dan Menteri Muda Perumahan Sarawak, YB Senator Datuk Dr Sim Kui Hian
               Majlis Ramah Tamah bermula: Semua VVIP dijemput menyempurnakan upacara “lao shen”.
2000      * Para tetamu beredar ke pentas, sementara VVIP dijemput menggalung “hong cai” pada patung monyet yang akan diarakkan sempena Perarakan Cap Goh Mei pada 22-2-2016.
* Persembahan Tarian Singa oleh Pertubuhan Meninggikan Akhlak Che Chuan Khor Simanggang
* Ucapan alu-aluan oleh Sdr Tay Chiew Hua, Pengerusi Simanggang Soon Heng Society
* Ucapan YB Senator Datuk Dr Sim Kui Hian
* Amanat YB Datuk Francis Harden anak Hollis, Menteri Muda Pembangunan Luar Bandar dan Menteri Muda Perumahan Sarawak
* Upacara Perlancaran Kempen Mengumpul Dana Tandu Baharu Dewi Cibei Niang Niang
* Upacara Memalu gendang tanda perasmian Pesta Cap Goh Mei Peringkat Bahagian Sri Aman Tahun 2016
* Penyampaian cenderamata kepada tetamu kehormat
* Nyanyian 1
* Tarian “Merah 4 musim” (SJKC Chung Hua Simanggang)
* Tarian “Riang ria menyambut kedatangan Tahun Baru” (Persatuan Buddha Sri Aman)
舞蹈“欢庆新年” -斯里阿曼佛教会
* Ngajat (Kumpulan Panggau Libau 2, SMK Simanggang)
* Tarian moden (Kumpulan Heart to Heart)
现代舞蹈- Heart to Heart
* Persembahan isyarat tangan “kita serupa” (Persatuan Buddha Sri Aman)
* Tarian “Rampaian Melayu” (Kumpulan Panggau Libau 2, SMK Simanggang)
* Tarian “Gadis dari Tibet” (SJKC Chun Hua Simanggang)
* Nyanyian beramai-ramai